###Which Jesuit saint are you?
Answer 9 simple questions to find out which Jesuit saint you most resemble.
The questions ask about 'you': feel free to answer about yourself, or the kind of saint you admire, or just however you feel like answering.
If you're not sure about a question, just go with your instinct or even choose randomly. St Ignatius once made an important decision on the basis of which path his donkey took!
[[Begin|Question 1]]Where would you like to spend your life?
(set: _first to (array:-1,-1,-1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1))\
(set: $match to (array:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
(link: "Close to home")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) + _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 2")]
(link: "Far away or on the move")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) - _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 2")]How would you like your work to be focused?
(set: _first to (array:1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1))
(link: "Within the church, caring for God's people")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) + _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 3")]
(link: "Looking outwards, bringing Christ to new people")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) - _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 3")]Do you have a disability or chronic illness?
(set: _first to (array:1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1))
(link: "Yes")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) + _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 4")]
(link: "No")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) - _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 4")]Why will you be remembered?
(set: _first to (array:-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1))
(link: "For your martyrdom")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) + _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 6")]
(link: "For your steadfast faith")[(set: $match to (altered: _i via $match's (_i) - _first's (_i),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)) (goto: "Question 6")]Which subject are you most interested in?
(if: 1 is in $possibility)[
(link: "Agriculture")[
(set: $match's 3rd to it +2)
(set: $match's 10th to it +2)
(set: $match's 14th to it +2)
(goto: "Top 2")]]\
(if: 2 is in $possibility)[
(link: "Foreign languages")[
(set: $match's 12th to it +2)
(set: $match's 16th to it +2)
(set: $match's 17th to it +2)
(set: $match's 20th to it +2)
(goto: "Top 2")]]\
(if: 3 is in $possibility)[
(link: "Legal studies")[
(set: $match's 8th to it +2)
(set: $match's 11th to it +2)
(set: $match's 15th to it +2)
(goto: "Top 2")]]\
(if: 4 is in $possibility)[
(link: "Literature")[
(set: $match's 7th to it +2)
(set: $match's 9th to it +2)
(set: $match's 13th to it +2)
(goto: "Top 2")]]\
(if: 5 is in $possibility)[
(link: "Woodwork")[
(set: $match's 18th to it +2)
(goto: "Top 2")]]\
(if: 6 is in $possibility)[
(link: "Cadets")[
(set: $match's 1st to it +2)
(set: $match's 4th to it +2)
(set: $match's 19th to it +2)
(goto: "Top 2")]]\
(if: 7 is in $possibility)[
(link: "Sport")[
(set: $match's 2nd to it +2)
(set: $match's 5th to it +2)
(set: $match's 6th to it +2)
(goto: "Top 2")]]Where would you like to live?
(link: "Rome")[
(set: $match's 1st to it+2)
(set: $match's 4th to it+2)
(set: $match's 5th to it+2)
(set: $match's 6th to it+2)
(set: $match's 15th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 7")]
(link: "Europe (outside Rome)")[
(set: $match's 3rd to it+2)
(set: $match's 9th to it+2)
(set: $match's 10th to it+2)
(set: $match's 11th to it+2)
(set: $match's 18th to it+2)
(set: $match's 19th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 7")]
(link: "Latin America")[
(set: $match's 7th to it+2)
(set: $match's 8th to it+2)
(set: $match's 14th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 7")]
(link: "North America")[
(set: $match's 12th to it+2)
(set: $match's 13th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 7")]
(link: "Africa")[
(set: $match's 20th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 7")]
(link: "Asia")[
(set: $match's 2nd to it+2)
(set: $match's 16th to it+2)
(set: $match's 17th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 7")]Which appeals most?
(link: "Training to be a vowed religious")[
(set: $match's 4th to it+2)
(set: $match's 5th to it+2)
(set: $match's 6th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 8")]
(link: "Defending the faith during the Reformation")[
(set: $match's 3rd to it+2)
(set: $match's 11th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 8")]
(link: "Helping to run the church or a religious order")[
(set: $match's 1st to it+2)
(set: $match's 10th to it+2)
(set: $match's 15th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 8")]
(link: "Being a missionary in new lands")[
(set: $match's 2nd to it+2)
(set: $match's 12th to it+2)
(set: $match's 13th to it+2)
(set: $match's 17th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 8")]
(link: "Serving the church under persecution")[
(set: $match's 7th to it+2)
(set: $match's 9th to it+2)
(set: $match's 16th to it+2)
(set: $match's 18th to it+2)
(set: $match's 19th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 8")]
(link: "Caring for the poorest people in society")[
(set: $match's 8th to it+2)
(set: $match's 14th to it+2)
(set: $match's 20th to it+2)
(goto: "Question 8")]Which adjective best describes you?
(link: "Cheerful")[
(set: $match's 6th to it+2)
(set: $match's 7th to it+2)
(set: $match's 13th to it+2)
(set: $match's 16th to it+2)
(set: $match's 20th to it+2)
(goto: "Top 6")]
(link: "Determined")[
(set: $match's 1st to it+2)
(set: $match's 2nd to it+2)
(set: $match's 5th to it+2)
(set: $match's 8th to it+2)
(set: $match's 12th to it+2)
(set: $match's 18th to it+2)
(set: $match's 19th to it+2)
(goto: "Top 6")]
(link: "Gentle")[
(set: $match's 3rd to it+2)
(set: $match's 4th to it+2)
(set: $match's 10th to it+2)
(set: $match's 14th to it+2)
(set: $match's 17th to it+2)
(goto: "Top 6")]
(link: "Intellectual")[
(set: $match's 9th to it+2)
(set: $match's 11th to it+2)
(set: $match's 15th to it+2)
(goto: "Top 6")]How will you be remembered?
(if: $firstPossibility is 1 or $secondPossibility is 1)[\
[[As one who helped others to pray|Ignatius]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 2 or $secondPossibility is 2)[\
[[As the great missionary to India and eastern Asia|Xavier]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 3 or $secondPossibility is 3)[\
[[As a great traveller and reconciler of people|Faber]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 4 or $secondPossibility is 4)[\
[[For giving your life caring for plague victims|Aloysius]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 5 or $secondPossibility is 5)[\
[[As one who walked many miles to become a novice|Kostka]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 6 or $secondPossibility is 6)[\
[[As a kind, cheerful scholastic, dedicated to your studies|Berchmanns]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 7 or $secondPossibility is 7)[\
[[As a pastor to the underground church in Mexico|Pro]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 8 or $secondPossibility is 8)[\
[[For founding an organisation working for justice for the poor|Hurtado]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 9 or $secondPossibility is 9)[\
[[As a courageous martyr during the persecution in England|Campion]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 10 or $secondPossibility is 10)[\
[[As a humble doorkeeper who welcomed every guest as Christ|Rodriguez]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 11 or $secondPossibility is 11)[\
[[As a great teacher of the faith to ordinary people|Canisius]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 12 or $secondPossibility is 12)[\
[[As a missionary and linguist of the Native American languages|Brebeuf]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 13 or $secondPossibility is 13)[\
[[As a missionary living alongisde the Huron people|Jogues]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 14 or $secondPossibility is 14)[\
[[As a servant to slaves being trafficked into South America|Claver]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 15 or $secondPossibility is 15)[\
[[For living simply when other bishops lived in palaces|Bellarmine]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 16 or $secondPossibility is 16)[\
[[As a teacher of Christianity to your fellow Japanese|Miki]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 17 or $secondPossibility is 17)[\
[[For showing how Christianity is compatible with Indian culture|Brito]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 18 or $secondPossibility is 18)[\
[[As a builder of hiding places for persecuted priests|Owen]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 19 or $secondPossibility is 19)[\
[[As a leader of Catholic resistance to the Nazis|Mayer]]
(if: $firstPossibility is 20 or $secondPossibility is 20)[\
[[As a friend of lepers in Madagascar|Beyzym]]]###You are St Ignatius of Loyola!
<img src="Images/Ignatius.jpg" alt="St Ignatius of Loyola" height="300" />
Inigo, later known as Ignatius, was born in Loyola, Spain, around 1491. During his youth he devoted himself to seeking glory. This changed after he was hit by a cannon ball during the siege of Pamplona in 1521. Given a book about the lives of the saints, he spent time daydreaming about serving Jesus, as well as his old daydreams of worldly glory. He realised that thoughts of serving Jesus gave him lasting peace, so he completely changed his way of living. People were attracted by his dedication to God and his methods of prayer, and he accumulated a band of followers. This group ultimately developed into the Jesuits, now the largest religious order in the world.
[[Restart|Instructions]](set: $firstPossibility to 1)
(set: $secondPossibility to 0)
(set: $firstMatch to $match's 1st)
(set: $secondMatch to -99)
(for: each _i, ...(range: 2,20))[
(if: $match's (_i) > $firstMatch)[
(set: $secondPossibility to $firstPossibility)
(set: $secondMatch to $firstMatch)
(set: $firstPossibility to _i)
(set: $firstMatch to $match's (_i))]
(else-if: $match's (_i) > $secondMatch)[
(set: $secondPossibility to _i)
(set: $secondMatch to $match's (_i))]]
(goto: "Question 9")###You are St Francis Xavier!
<img src="Images/Xavier.tiff" alt="St Francis Xavier" height="300" />
Francis was born in Xavier, Spain, in 1506. While studying at the University of Paris, he was shared a room with Ignatius of Loyola and Peter Faber. The three, and seven other friends, decided to devote themselves entirely to God by going on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they were unable to, they instead put themselves at the service of the pope. The pope asked for one of them to be sent to India, and circumstances meant that only Francis was available. He immediately went, and began a decade-long mission preaching and baptising in India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Peter Faber!
<img src="Images/Faber.jpg" alt="St Peter Faber" height="300" />
Peter Faber was born in Switzerland in 1506. He came from a poor farming family, but his great intellect carried him to the University of Paris, where he shared a room with Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier. These three, and seven other friends, formed a group of companions that eventually evolved into a religious order, the Jesuits. Peter's mission took him across Europe to preach, give spiritual direction, and lead people in the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius' great method of prayer for promoting conversion and discernment.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Aloysius Gonzaga!
<img src="Images/Aloysius.jpg" alt="St Aloysius Gonzaga" height="300" />
Aloysius Gonzaga was born in Italy in 1568. He was the eldest son in a noble family, and was educated for service in the military and court. Even as a young boy, he knew that he didn't want to pursue these callings, but wanted to focus on his spiritual life instead. He decided to become a Jesuit, and finally convinced his father to allow him to renounce his inheritance and enter the novitiate. While studying in Rome, a plague broke out. He carried the sick to a Jesuit hospital, where he cared for them. Eventually he himself became sick, and died aged 23. He is patron saint of young people, and of people with AIDS.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Stanislaus Kostka!
<img src="Images/Kostka.jpg" alt="St Stanislaus Kostka" height="300" />
Stanislaus Kostka was born to a noble family in Poland in 1550. He was very devout, which angered his hedonistic elder brother, with whom he was living in Vienna. After a serious illness, he decided to enter the Jesuits, but he could not do so in Vienna without his parents' permission. They refused, so he walked 600 km to Augsburg, Germany to enter there instead. He was immediately sent to Rome, another 900 km, again on foot. He became sick again and died before he even finished his novitiate. He is now the patron saint of Jesuit novices.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St John Berchmans!
<img src="Images/Berchmans.jpg" alt="St John Berchmans" height="300" />
John Berchmans was born in Belgium in 1599. He was one of the first students at the Jesuit school in Mechelen, and immediately discovered that he wanted to become a Jesuit himself. Although his parents tried to dissuade him, he entered the Jesuits in 1616, aged 17. He was kind and outgoing, and dreamed of being an army chaplain so that he could be martyred for the Catholic faith. He was a very good student of philosophy and a strong debater. While studying in Rome, he contracted a fever after a debate at the Dominican Greek College, and died at age 22. He is a patron saint of altar servers.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are Blessed Miguel Pro!
<img src="Images/Pro.jpg" alt="Blessed Miguel Pro" height="300" />
Miguel Pro was born in Mexico in 1891, the son of a miner. As a young Jesuit, he became noticed for combining a lively, playful nature with a deeply prayerful attitude. The persecution of Catholics that resulted from the Mexican Revolution forced him to finish his studies in the USA and Spain. He was ordained in Belgium, and had to carry out the traditional blessing of his family members through their photographs, instead of in person. He returned to Mexico to provide sacramental ministry to the underground church there. After a year and a half he was arrested and executed, on a false charge of conspiring to assassinate the president.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Alberto Hurtado!
<img src="Images/Hurtado.jpg" alt="St Alberto Hurtado" height="300" />
Alberto Hurtado was born in Chile in 1901. When he was 4, his previously rich family became very poor when they were defrauded while selling their property. Thanks to a scholarship, he was able to attend a Jesuit school, and to study law at university. He then entered the Jesuits, and eventually became a professor of religion and education. He was disappointed that Catholic teaching was not well known, especially Pope Pius XI's encyclical on social justice. He took a particular interest in the education of the poor, and founded organisations to support workers and the homeless.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Edmund Campion!
<img src="Images/Campion.jpg" alt="St Edmund Campion" height="300" />
Edmund Campion was born in London in 1540. He did brilliantly in his studies, and became a professor, as well as a deacon in the Anglican church. His study convinced him of the truth of the Catholic faith, so he left England for Ireland and then France, where he could practise this faith without persecution. He became a Jesuit, and went back to England to minister in secret to Catholic families. He wrote a famous manifesto defending his faith, known as Campion's Brag. Before long he was arrested, and as he refused to give up his faith, he was executed.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Alphonsus Rodriguez!
<img src="Images/Rodriguez.jpg" alt="St Alphonsus Rodriguez" height="300" />
Alphonsus Rodriguez was born in Spain in 1532. He married and had three children, but his wife and children all died before he was 40. He sought to become a Jesuit, and was eventually accepted as a brother. He served for 45 years as doorkeeper at the college in Mallorca. Whenever the bell rang, he would say, 'I'm coming, Lord!', to remind himself to treat whoever was at the door as he would treat Jesus. His humility made him very popular among the Jesuit students at the college, who came to him for spiritual guidance. He gave particular advice to Peter Claver, encouraging him in his mission to Colombia.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Peter Canisius!
<img src="Images/Canisius.jpg" alt="St Peter Canisius" height="300" />
Peter Canisius was born into a wealthy family in the Netherlands in 1521. While studying at the University of Cologne, he met Peter Faber, one of the first Jesuits, and became a Jesuit himself. He was an influential preacher in Germany during the era of the Reformation, and attended the Council of Trent. He recognised that many people were leaving the church because they didn't understand her teachings, so he wrote a catechism to explain the faith to German speakers. He taught at universities in Augsburg, Innsbruck and Fribourg. He had a great devotion to Mary, and helped popularise the Hail Mary prayer.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Jean de Brebeuf!
<img src="Images/Brebeuf.jpg" alt="St Jean de Brebeuf" height="300" />
Jean de Brebeuf was born in Normandy in 1593. As a young Jesuit, he was not a strong student, except that he was brilliant at languages. After 5 years teaching in Rouen, he was sent to the mission in Canada. His first missionary trip was not very successful, but on a second trip he settled into a Huron community and got to know their life, culture, and especially language. He wrote about Huron religion, especially looking for links with Christianity. In 1649 he was captured, tortured and killed by an Iroquois tribe that was at enmity with the Hurons.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Isaac Jogues!
<img src="Images/Jogues.jpg" alt="St Isaac Jogues" height="300" />
Isaac Jogues was born in France in 1607. Hearing Jesuits who were missionaries in Canada speak about how difficult their life was, he knew that he wanted to join them. He lived in a Huron village for 6 years. While returning to the mission from Quebec City, a group of travellers was attacked by a band of Mohawk warriors. Isaac hid, but when he realised that some members had been captured, he gave himself up so that he could strengthen their faith during their captivity. After being released, he went back on mission to the Mohawk people, but was killed when he was blamed for an outbreak of disease.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Peter Claver!
<img src="Images/Claver.jpg" alt="St Peter Claver" height="300" />
Peter Claver was born in Spain in 1580. After joining the Jesuits, he studied in Mallorca. There he met Alphonsus Rodriguez, who encouraged him to become a missionary in South America. He went to Colombia, where he was appalled by the treatment of slaves being trafficked from Angola and Congo. He devoted the rest of his life to caring for the slaves being brought through the port of Cartagena to work on sugar plantations. He tended to their needs for food and medicine, as well as preaching the gospel and baptising over 300 thousand people.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Robert Bellarmine!
<img src="Images/Bellarmine.jpg" alt="St Robert Bellarmine" height="300" />
Robert Bellarmine was born in Tuscany in 1542. After joining the Jesuits, he became a professor of theology at the Roman College. He became known as one who could defend Catholicism convincingly and respectfully against the Protestants. His stature was such that Pope Clement VIII appointed him as a bishop and cardinal, despite the Jesuits' rule of declining such offices unless ordered to accept them by the pope. He was particularly entrusted to sort out points of controversy between Catholics and Protestants. He set an example of simplicity and spirituality, unusual among bishops and cardinals of the time.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Paul Miki!
<img src="Images/Miki.png" alt="St Paul Miki" height="300" />
Paul Miki was born into a wealthy Japanese family in 1562. After being taught by the Jesuits, he decided to become a Jesuit himself. He taught the Christian faith to his fellow Japanese, converting many. Hideyoshi, ruler of Japan, outlawed Christianity for fear it provided a means of European influence in Japan. Miki and other Christians were arrested and marched 1000 km from Kyoto to Nagasaki, where they were crucified. Miki continued preaching from the cross, until he was killed with a spear.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St John de Britto!
<img src="Images/de Brito.png" alt="St John de Britto" height="300" />
John de Britto was born in Spain in 1647. He joined the Jesuits and was sent as a missionary to southern India. He recognised that the adoption of Christianity did not require the imposition of European culture, so he sought to nurture a Christianity that was authentically Indian. He expressed his religious poverty in the traditional manner of Indian asceticism, wearing yellow clothes and adopting a vegan diet. He converted the Marava prince Thadiyathevan, and instructed him to separate from all his wives except one. This angered the uncle of one of Thadiyathevan's former wives, who had de Britto arrested and killed.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are St Nicholas Owen!
<img src="Images/Owen.png" alt="St Nicholas Owen" height="300" />
Nicholas Owen was born into a Catholic family in England in 1562. He became a carpenter, like his father. He served as Edmund Campion's servant, and after Campion's execution was imprisoned for five years for proclaiming that Campion was innocent. After his release, he became a Jesuit brother and spent 18 years constructing 'priest holes': hiding places where priests could escape from the government authorities seeking to arrest and execute them. Many of these priest holes went undiscovered for years or even centuries afterwards. He was eventually arrested and killed during torture.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are Blessed Rupert Mayer!
<img src="Images/Mayer.png" alt="Blessed Rupert Mayer" height="300" />
Rupert Mayer was born in Germany in 1876. He became a Jesuit and worked in parish and migrant ministry. During World War I, he was a chaplain in the German army, and was awarded the Iron Cross for bravery. After Hitler came to power, Mayer spoke out against the Nazi regime, preaching that Catholicism is incompatible with Nazism. He was arrested several times and was imprisoned for almost the entire length of World War II. When he became very ill, he was moved by his captors to a monastery, so that he would not die in a concentration camp and hence be regarded as a martyr. He died in November 1945, six months after being freed by the American advance.
[[Restart|Instructions]]###You are Blessed Jan Beyzym!
<img src="Images/Beyzym.jpg" alt="Blessed Jan Beyzym" height="300" />
Jan Beyzym was born in Ukraine in 1850. He considered becoming a diocesan priest, but settled on the Jesuits, as had been suggested by his father. After being ordained a priest, he spent 18 years teaching French and Russian at Jesuit boarding schools. He then accepted a call to a different mission, travelling to Madagascar to work with people suffering from leprosy. He became a great advocate for their cause, and assisted in the building of a hospital.
[[Restart|Instructions]](set: $possibility to (array:6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
(set: $topMatch to (array:0, -99, -99, -99, -99, -99))
(set: $answers to (array:6, 7, 1, 6, 7, 7, 4, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5, 6, 2))
(set: $topMatch's 1st to $match's 1st)
(for: each _saint, ...(range: 2,20))[
(set: $checkby to $match's (_saint))
(set: $posputin to $answers's (_saint))
(set: $matchputin to $match's (_saint))
(for: each _pos, ...(range: 1,6))[
(set: $newcheckby to $checkby)
(if: $answers's (_saint) is $possibility's (_pos))[(set: $newcheckby to -999)]
(if: $checkby > $topMatch's (_pos))[
(set: $holding to $possibility's (_pos))
(set: $possibility's (_pos) to $posputin)
(set: $posputin to $holding)
(set: $holding to $topMatch's (_pos))
(set: $topMatch's (_pos) to $matchputin)
(set: $matchputin to $holding)]
(set: $checkby to $newcheckby)]]
(goto: "Question 5")